Your Moon Cycle & Your Business: Using Your Body’s Natural Rhythm to Your Advantage
Wellness Anika Samples Wellness Anika Samples

Your Moon Cycle & Your Business: Using Your Body’s Natural Rhythm to Your Advantage

As women, we’re conditioned to operate within a society that often goes against our natural biology. Because men function solely on a 24 hour cycle, we’re taught to expect the same consistency on a day-to-day basis. When in reality, our bodies are wired differently. Menstruating women operate on both a Circadian rhythm (24 hour cycle) and an Infradian rhythm (28 day cycle).

We’re given little to no awareness about this secondary rhythm—our moon cycle—and how it affects us on an energetic level throughout the month. This can cause us to unknowingly fight against ourselves, generating resistance, frustration, and ultimately burnout.

Understanding and embracing the ebbs and flows of our unique system helps us to function in alignment with our biology, instead of against it.

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